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Showing all 7898 news items

  1. Protecting care home residents’ rights

    Strengthened standards ensure fewer restrictions on visiting.

  2. Tax changes for second and empty homes

    Councils empowered to prioritise homes for living in.

  3. Virtual reality helping victims

    World-first allows people to better understand courtroom process.

  4. Section 35 Order challenge

    Request for judicial review of UK Government use of veto.

  5. Protections for Scotland’s cattle industry

    Legislation strengthened to prevent the spread of infection.

  6. Delivering Housing to 2040

    Ensuring everyone has a home that meets their needs.

  7. Floating solar panels ready in first for Scotland

    Array tested before deployment this year.

  8. Connecting Scotland’s worldwide diaspora

    New Framework to enhance engagement.

  9. Financial support for disabled people

    New campaign promoting disability benefits launched

  10. Tech partnership boosts health innovation

    Linking business and clinical expertise.

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