
A vision for national wellbeing

New National Performance Framework launched.

A new framework for building a more successful and inclusive Scotland, and the way in which progress towards it can be measured, has been launched by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

The National Performance Framework (NPF), showcased at an international conference in Edinburgh, sets out a vision for national wellbeing in Scotland across a range of economic, social and environmental factors.

The new NPF was developed following consultation with the public, trades unions, business organisations, local government, and civic and voluntary sector organisations.

The National Performance Framework incorporates the UN Sustainable Development Goals, fulfilling the First Minister’s commitment to embed them in all government activity.

Launching the framework and the new national outcomes First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

“The Scottish Government wants Scotland to be the best place possible to live, work, grow up and study in.

“This new national performance framework includes 11 key outcomes that the whole of Scotland can get behind and has been developed in collaboration with other parties and all aspects of society, including public and private sectors, voluntary organisations, businesses and communities.

“As a government we recognise that economic growth is hugely important, but it must be matched by improvements in our environment, in people’s quality of life, in the opportunities available to people and the public services they have access to. 

“As a government and as a country, the challenge this new framework sets us all is to make progress in these areas to improve wellbeing across Scotland.

“The new NPF belongs to all of Scotland and together we can fulfil the promise contained in it.”

COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison said:

“I am delighted to add COSLA’s name to the National Performance Framework.
“I want to add to the First Minister’s words and provide a clear message of support from Local Government for the new National Performance Framework and for the ambitions it sets out for a successful and inclusive Scotland.
“We too share those aspirations for our country and the communities that we serve locally.
“Particularly I want to underline the opportunity that the new Framework provides for both our democratically elected spheres of government in Scotland to work toward these outcomes through ever stronger and more meaningful partnership working arrangements.
“I think the NPF sets out the destination we all want Scotland to reach and I am delighted to put COSLA’s name to it as a joint signatory.”


Following the introduction of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, Scottish Ministers have a duty to consult on, develop and publish a new set of National Outcomes for Scotland and to review them at least every five years.

For the first time National Outcomes are also specifically aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as set out in the Programme for Government.

The new National Performance Framework includes 11 National Outcomes that set out the kind of country we want to be, and 81 National Indicators that will be used to track and measure progress towards achieving them.

The new NPF was approved by the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 24 May 2018.

Oxfam Scotland, in partnership with the Carnegie UK Trust, completed a small public engagement exercise to help inform the revised National Performance Framework.


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