
Aid helping world's poor

SG funding saving thousands of lives in Africa.

Scottish Government humanitarian aid donations have targeted help to almost 44,000 Malawians over the last six months.

The government's International Development Fund and Climate Justice Fund match-funded public appeals by Christian Aid, EMMS International, Oxfam and SCIAF.

Aid agencies distributed food to thousands of households, as well as providing technical support and drought resistant planting materials to improve agricultural production.

In addition, Glasgow-based Mary's Meals extended its schools feeding programme with an aid package that helped reach a further 24,000 Malawian children, and has played a significant part in ensuring many families are able to send their children to school.

A donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Yemen Crisis Appeal has helped to provide food, healthcare, clean water and sanitation services.

International Development Minister Alasdair Allan said:

“The poorest people in Sub-Saharan Africa and Yemen have suffered unimaginable hardship as many countries continue to be ravaged by drought and political conflict.

“This has triggered a major humanitarian crisis leaving children and families in Malawi and Yemen of urgent need of food, water and medical supplies.

“In the last six months, Scottish Government funding has saved lives and providing essential food supplies and technical assistance to rebuild communities.

“Scotland can make a big difference in the fight against global poverty, injustice and inequality. We will do all we can to help the world’s most vulnerable people.”


More than £900,000 of Scottish Government humanitarian aid donations have been made to Malawi and Yemen in the last six months.


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