
Burma refugee crisis

Scotland 'stands ready to help'.

Oxfam UK today briefed International Development Minister Alasdair Allan on the plight of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

Dr Allan also asked the Humanitarian Relief Fund panel to consider providing assistance to people presently in refugee camps.

The United Nations has called for the suspension of military action, an end to violence, and the recognition of the right of return of all those who have fled the country.

Dr Allan said:

“International aid agencies have raised fears about the humanitarian impact on the 380,000 people, who have been forced to flee their homes, arriving hungry and in desperate need of shelter in Bangladesh. Today I heard from Oxfam UK about the work they are doing to alleviate suffering in the region.

“I wrote to the UK Government on 9 September to seek clarification on what is being done to help the people displaced by this conflict. It is vital that the UK is actively involved in securing a solution, both in terms of aid provision and by continuing to make its views known to the Government of Burma. Scotland stands ready to help the UK Government in providing an appropriate response to this situation.

“People in Scotland have shown their willingness already to help people fleeing violence in Syria. I believe Scotland is also big-hearted enough to help the Rohingya people in any way we can, wherever the victims of the current violence find themselves.

“The Scottish Government supports the United Nations Secretary-General in his call for an effective action plan that addresses the root causes of the situation. We also call on the Government of Burma to do everything in its power to end the violence, to protect the Rohingya people and take positive steps to restore long-term peace to the region.”


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