
Cleaner Air for Scotland

New members help to strengthen governance group

The group overseeing Scotland’s aim of having the cleanest air in Europe has been strengthened with specialists in health, environmental science and regulation.

British Heart Foundation Scotland (BHF) and Professor Campbell Gemmell, an expert in environmental science, policy and regulation, have joined The Cleaner Air for Scotland Governance Group. The group oversees the delivery of Scotland’s strategy for cutting air pollution and reducing its impact on health.

The Scottish Government has also set out further details of the financial support that will be made available for Low Emission Zones (LEZs). Over 70% of the £10.8m funding in 2018/19 will support the bus industry in Glasgow to prepare for LEZs. This is enough to support the retrofitting of over 300 buses, more than 40% of the city centre fleet. Exhaust retrofitting ensures that the buses meet the latest environmental standards.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said:

“I am delighted to welcome the British Heart Foundation Scotland and Professor Campbell Gemmell to the Cleaner Air for Scotland Governance Group. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring the group has access to a broad range of perspectives, including a focus on the health impacts of air pollution. Both the BHF and Professor Gemmell will provide valuable advice and support as we work together to fight air pollution and the damaging impact it has on our health, and to have the best air quality in Europe.”

James Cant, Director of British Heart Foundation Scotland, said:

“British Heart Foundation Scotland supports the development of LEZs and therefore welcomed the publication of draft plans regarding an LEZ in Glasgow. BHF Scotland is committed to working with Scottish Government and Local Authorities to tackle poor air quality. Now it is time for all stakeholders to come together to implement workable and effective solutions.’’


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