
Climate Week

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Scotland’s first national Climate Week aiming to inspire people across the country to take action on climate change got underway today.

Over sixty organisations from across Scotland are participating in Climate Week, running events and training designed to engage people on what climate change is, how they can be part of the solution and showcase achievements on climate change.

Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change Roseanna Cunningham launched the week whilst participating in a volunteer hedge planting day at the new Seven Lochs wetland park. She met representatives there from Climate Ready Clyde, a cross-sector partnership initiative supporting the development of a shared understanding of climate change risks and opportunities across the Glasgow City Region.

Ms Cunningham said during the visit:

“Scotland continues to lead the UK in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We have continually made excellent progress including exceeding the level of our 2020 target, six years early.

“We acknowledge that more needs to be done to meet our ambitious future targets. A new Climate Change Plan, to be published in draft this winter, will build on our strong progress to date, setting out our priorities and commitments to meet our ambitious emissions reduction targets over the coming decades.

“Small individual actions, such as turning down your thermostat by one degree or washing at thirty degrees if repeated on a large scale, can have a big impact in tackling climate change.”

Notes to editors

Climate Week is a Scottish Government-led national campaign to raise awareness and inspire action on climate change. It runs from 16- 23 September 2016. A full range of information on the events that are happening and the organisations participating can be found here:


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