
Coming Home Implementation report

Improving care for people with complex needs and learning disabilities.

A new report has been published with measures to reduce delayed discharge and provide care closer to home for people with learning disabilities and complex needs.

The actions to be taken forward from the Coming Home Implementation report, published by the Scottish Government, include setting up a new national register to improve monitoring of those at risk of hospital admission or inappropriate placements.

A new national support panel and a peer support network will also bring together expertise and share best practice among professionals, to support Health and Social Care Partnerships and ensure genuine change is delivered.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Kevin Stewart said:

“I want to thank the working group which produced this report, which is a substantial piece of work into a very important issue.

“It is completely unacceptable that people are spending time in hospitals or other care settings when they are medically fit for discharge. For every day spent unnecessarily in hospital, a person loses part of their connection with their community, their family, and their friends. We are not protecting the rights of people with learning disabilities and complex needs if they remain in hospital when they should be living at home, or in a homely environment with the right support.

“The recommendations are key to achieving our mission to significantly reduce delayed discharge and inappropriate out-of-area placements for adults with learning disabilities and complex care needs by March 2024. Visibility and accountability are critical. This is not going to be an easy task but we have a collective responsibility to take action.”

Councillor Stuart Currie, COSLA Health and Social Care Spokesperson, said: “I welcome the Coming Home Implementation Report and its recommendations and thank all those who contributed to its production.

“We look forward to working with partners to fully develop the Dynamic Support Register proposals so we can ensure we maintain focus and achieve positive outcomes for those currently delayed, and those who are inappropriately accommodated or at risk of being inappropriately placed.

“Developing and maintaining good, sustainable accommodation and support services is crucial to meeting the aspirations of the report and the aspirations of those currently inappropriately delayed in hospital in-patient beds or inappropriately accommodated away from their local area.  Achieving this requires coordinated effort and investment in local support, which is something COSLA fully endorses.”


Coming Home Implementation Report

The report was produced by a working group set up in March 2020 by the then Health Secretary Jeanne Freeman and COSLA’s Health and Social Care spokesperson Councillor Stuart Currie following the Mental Welfare Commission Report in 2016 and the Coming Home Report in 2018.


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