
Comment on cladding and high rise buildings

Communities Secretary provides further update.

Communities Secretary Angela Constance said:

“This week, we asked local authorities to give us further information about their high rise domestic buildings. They have reported that they have over 500 high rise domestic buildings in their areas.

“All 32 local authorities have advised the Scottish Government that no council or housing association high rise domestic buildings have the type of cladding reported to have been used in the Grenfell tower – Aluminium Composite Material (ACM). 

“24 Local Authorities have also reported to us that no privately owned high rise domestic buildings have ACM cladding.  The remainder are completing their investigations as a matter of urgency.”


A further update will follow the Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety next week.

The Scottish Government is grateful for the help of local authorities in gathering this information, and also appreciates the support of the Scottish Property Federation and Homes for Scotland who have written to their members asking them to work with their respective local authorities to provide information on privately owned high rise domestic properties as a matter of urgency. 


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