
Contributing to the Paris Agreement

Scotland to publish an indicative Nationally Determined Contribution ahead of Glasgow COP26.

The Scottish Government will set out how it intends to support the Paris Agreement goal of preventing warming of more than 1.5 degrees by publishing its own indicative Nationally Determined Contribution ahead of COP26 in Glasgow next November.

Environment and Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham announced the move today - signalling Scotland’s commitment to international leadership on climate challenges.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are central to the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, with all countries that signed the agreement required to submit NDCs to the UN climate change body.

Previously, Scotland and the UK were part of a joint EU NDC, which set an EU-wide emissions target. The UK Government are developing a UK-wide NDC to submit ahead of COP26.

Ms Cunningham said: “We are proud that Scotland’s emissions targets go beyond what the experts say is needed globally to meet the Paris Agreement objectives. We have set annual emissions targets for every year until 2045, when we aim to have achieved a just transition to net zero.

“Our intention to publish an indicative NDC in the spirit of the Paris Agreement is a clear indication of Scotland’s commitment to joining and leading the international effort on tackling climate change and ensuring a more sustainable future for our planet.

“While we are part of the UK, Scotland cannot formally submit an NDC. However, the Scottish Government is determined to engage with and raise global climate ambition ahead of welcoming the world to Glasgow next year. We will therefore publish a document, called ‘Scotland’s contribution to the Paris Agreement – an indicative NDC’, which will centre on Scotland’s world-leading target to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030.

“We will also continue to work with the UK Government to ensure Scotland’s ambitious approach to tackling climate change is properly reflected in the UK NDC.” 

The indicative NDC will follow the Scottish Government’s update to the 2018 Climate Change Plan due to be published in December, which will set out further action to tackle the global climate emergency.


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