
Creating a robust future for Gaelic and Scots

Languages consultation launched.

A commitment to ensure the long-term growth of Gaelic and Scots is at the heart of a new public consultation launched today.

The consultation seeks views on how to raise the profile of Scots, a new strategic approach to Gaelic medium education (GME) and the creation of a Gàidhealtachd, areas with a higher percentage of Gaelic speakers. It also covers the structure and function of Bòrd Na Gàidhlig – the principal public body promoting Gaelic in Scotland.

This feedback will help develop the forthcoming Scottish Languages Bill.

The 2011 census indicated that 57,375 people spoke Gaelic and 87,100 said they had some Gaelic skills and over 1.5 million people identified themselves as Scots speakers.

Launching the consultation during a visit to the GME unit at Goodlyburn Primary in Perth, Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

"Gaelic and Scots are a significant part of Scotland's culture and we want to ensure they thrive and grow.

"The situation for Gaelic speakers is an improvement on ten years ago as there are increased numbers in Gaelic medium education and more initiatives in place to support Gaelic in Scotland.

“We now need to build on what is in place and this consultation will show how we can make our measures more effective, ensuring Gaelic medium education continues to grow and provides a high quality education, that Bòrd na Gàidhlig operates effectively in the promotion of Gaelic, and consideration is given to the creation of a Gàidhealtachd.

"Scots is spoken throughout Scotland, but has never benefited from formal support through legislation and it may be time to consider this to help promote, strengthen and raise the profile of the language."


The consultation will run until 17 November.

Traditionally the Gàidhealtachd has been a term used for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. However, there is growth in Gaelic speaking communities across the central belt and the consultation seeks to explore what relevance the term Gàidhealtachd has for policy application and what further measures could be used for supporting and promoting the Gaelic language.


A’ cruthachadh teachd-àm làidir do Ghàidhlig is Albais

Co-chomhairleachadh cànain air a chur air bhog.


Tha gealladh gus dèanamh cinnteach gum fàs Gàidhlig is Albais san ùine fhada aig cridhe co-chomhairleachaidh phoblaich ùire a chaidh a chur air bhog an-diugh.

Tha an co-chomhairleachadh a’ sireadh bheachdan air togail inbhe na h-Albais, doìgh-obrach ro-innleachdail ùr son Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig (FTG), is cruthachadh Gàidhealtachd oifigeil ann an àitichean le àireamh nas motha sa cheud de luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig. Coimheadaidh e cuideachd ri structar is gnìomhan Bhòrd na Gàidhlig – am prìomh bhuidheann phoblach a’ brosnachadh Gàidhlig ann an Alba.

Cuidichidh am fios-air-ais seo le leasachadh Bile nan Cànan Albannach a tha ri teachd.

Sheall cunntas-sluaigh 2011 gun robh 57,375 neach a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig is 87,100 ag radh gun robh cuid a sgilean Gàidhlig aca agus dh’ainmich còrr air 1.5 millean neach iad fhèin mar luchd-labhairt Albais.

A’ cur a’ cho-chomhairleachaidh air bhog ’s i a’ tadhal air aonad FTG Bun-sgoil Goodlyburn, thuirt Rùnaire an Fhoghlaim Shirley-Anne Somerville:

“Tha Gàidhlig is Albais nam pàirt chudromach de theachd-àm na h-Alba is tha sinn airson dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil iad a’ brosnachadh is a’ fàs.

“Tha piseach air a bhith ann an suidheachadh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig an taca ri deich bliadhna air ais leis gu bheil àireamhan nas motha ann am Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig is barrachd iomairtean ann an àite gus taic a thoirt do Ghàidhlig ann an Alba.

“Feumaidh sinn a-nis togail air na th’ ann an àite is seallaidh an co-chomhairleachadh seo mar as urrainn dhuinn ar ceumannan a dhèanamh nas èifeachdaich, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun cùm foghlam tron Ghàidhlig a’ fàs is a’ tabhann oideachadh aig sàr ìre, gu bheil Bòrd na Gàidhlig ag obair gu h-èifeachdach ann a bhith a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig, is aire a thoirt do chruthachadh Gàidhealtachd oifigeil.

“Tha Albais air a bruidhinn air feadh Alba, ach cha d’fhuair i riamh buannachd bho thaic oifigeil tro reachdas is dh’fhaodadh gu bheil an t-àm ann smaoineachadh mun sin gus cuideachadh le brosnachadh, neartachadh is togail inbhe a’ chànain.”


Leanaidh an co-chomhairleachadh  gu 17 Samhain.

Gu traidiseanta ’s e Gàidhealtachd teirm a th’ air a chleachadh son na sgìre ris an canar the Highlands and Islands ann am Beurla. Ach, tha coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig thairis meadhan na h-Alba a’ fàs is tha an co-chomhairleachadh airson rannsachadh dè am buntainneas a th’ aig an teirm Gàidhealtachd son buileachadh poileasaidh is dè na ceumannan a bharrachd a b’ urrainn a bhith air an cleachdadh son taic is brosnachadh a thoirt don Ghàidhlig.



Biggin a strang future for Gaelic an Scots

Langage consultation Launchit.

A commitment for tae mak siccar the lang term growth o Gaelic an Scots is at the hairt o a new public consultation launchit the day.

The consultation is efter thochts on whit wey for tae heeze the profile o Scots, a new stratigic tak on Gaelic medium education (GME), an the foondin o a new Gàidhealtachd, airts an pairts whaur there a guid percent o Gaelic spikkers. Hit taks in tae the makkins an wirkins o the Bòrd Na Gàidhlig - the heidmaist public group heezin up the Gaelic athin Scotland.

This feedback wull help in the makkin o the forecomin Scottish Langages Bill.

The 2011 census shawit thit 57,275 bodies spiks Gaelic an thit 87,100 pit thit they haed a drap Gaelic, an ower 1.5 million fowk considerit theirsels Scots spikkers.

Stertin aff the consultation durin a visit tae the GME unit at Goodlyburn Primary in Perth, Education Secretar Shirley-Anne Somerville sayed:

"Gaelic an Scots are significant pairts o Scotland's culture an we're wantin for tae mak siccar thit they floorish an grow.

"The situation for Gaelic spikkers the noo is faur better nor ten year syne gien there mair fowk in Gaelic medium education an there mair inititives been pitten in place for tae support Gaelic in Scotland.

"We're needin noo for tae bigg on whit is in place an this consultation wull shaw us whit weys we kin mak oor misures mair effective, makkin siccar Gaelic medium education keeps growin an gies the tapmaist quality education, thit the Bòrd Na Gàidhlig is wirkin effective in the heezin o Gaelic, an thit thocht is gien tae the makkin o a Gàidhealtachd.

"Scots is spoke athort aw o Scotland, but haesna benefittit fae formal support throu legislation, an hit micht be timeous for tae consider this for tae help promote, strenthen, an heeze up the profile o the leid."


The consultation  wull rin throu tae the 17t o Novemmer.

Traditionally the Gàidhealtachd haes been a term uisit for the Heilans an Islands o Scotland. Hou an iver, there a growth o Gaelic spikkin communities athort the central belt an this consultation is wantin for tae splore whit relevance the term Gàidhealtachd haes for policy application an whit misures gaun forret are wantit tae be uisit for backin up an heezin the Gaelic leid.


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