
Creative professionals must have visa-free travel

UK Government should negotiate deal.

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture Angus Robertson has urged the UK Government to ensure visa-free travel for those who work in the creative industries.

In a letter to Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Oliver Dowden, Mr Robertson said the UK Government should negotiate an agreement with the EU this year.

The Scottish Government has consistently pushed the UK Government to act on these issues and it is now more pressing than ever that action is taken, so that those who work in the cultural and creative industries can plan for the future.

Mr Robertson adds: “Should barriers such as the need for visas remain in place, there are concerns that this could put in place an insurmountable obstacle to touring in parts of the EU. Ultimately this could jeopardise the ability of some to continue working in the sector altogether.

“As such, the ability to return to international touring without additional restrictions must be seen as a key element of the sector’s recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.”

The full letter is available to read on the Scottish Government website.


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