
Crime remains at lowest levels in 50 years

Delivering safer communities.

Scotland continues to be a safe place to live with recorded crime remaining at one of the lowest levels in almost 50 years.

The overall number of crimes recorded by officers for the year ending June 2023 was 4% lower than pre-pandemic levels in June 2019 according to the latest Recorded Crime in Scotland National Statistics.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Angela Constance said: “The safety and security of the public is my top priority, and these statistics show Scotland continues to be a safe place to live.

“These continued low levels of crime are due to the efforts across policing, justice and community safety partners to deliver safer communities and our investment in the justice system. With recorded crime remaining at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974, the latest figures show reductions in crimes such as violence, sexual crimes and damage and reckless behaviour.

“We will continue to focus on crime prevention, reducing reoffending and supporting victims of crime. That is why we are investing £1.45 billion in policing in 2023-24, increasing the resource budget by 6.3%, an additional £80 million, despite difficult financial circumstances due to UK Government austerity and our fixed budget.”


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