
Crofting Commission appointment

New convener announced.

Rod Mackenzie has been appointed as Convener of the Crofting Commission by Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing.

A life-long crofter, Mr Mackenzie is one of the six commissioners recently elected to the board by crofters from across the Highlands and Islands.

The board also includes two commissioners recently appointed by ministers and one reappointment position who will also serve the crofting community in the coming years.

Mr Ewing said:

“I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to Mr Mackenzie in his election as a Commissioner and I am pleased that he has taken up the appointment of Convenor of the Crofting Commission’s Board. As a life-long crofter, Mr Mackenzie will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role and I look forward to working collaboratively with him in the future.

“With the appointment of the new Convener, the creation of the new Board of Commissioners and the recruitment of a new Chief Executive earlier this year, I believe crofting can look forward to a period of stability and a positive focus on issues that will greatly improve the lives of those living in remote and rural areas.”

Crofting Commission, Chief Executive Bill Barron added:

“I’d like to endorse the words of the Minister and add my own best wishes to Mr Mackenzie as he takes on his role as Convener. We have had several meetings of the Board since the elections in March and I have been impressed at each by Rod’s enthusiasm and good sense. Along with the staff of the Commission, I am looking forward to the work ahead, promoting and regulating crofting with a very able group of Commissioners, headed now by Mr Mackenzie.”

Rod Mackenzie, new Convener said:

“This is great news. I'm delighted to have been selected to be the new Convener of the Crofting Commission. We've had several meetings of the Board of Commissioners since the elections in March, both for business and for training as a new group coming together and I've been impressed by just that - how everyone wants to come together, to do a good job for crofting. And what I've quickly learnt is that it is no simple thing. As a public regulator, you are working within constraints - there's no magic wand. But what there is, is the will to work together to make a difference.”

Notes to editors

The Crofting Commission’s functions and process are governed by crofting legislation, including the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993 and as amended by the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

Crofting legislation enables Scottish Ministers to select one of the Commissioners – any of the six elected or three appointed – to carry out the role of Convener. All members of the Commission are bound by the provisions of the Commission’s Code of Conduct issued and approved by the Standards Commission for Scotland.


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