Driving the national mission to end child poverty

Championing innovative local projects to support families.

More families across Scotland will get access to the help they need, where and when they need it - as local projects receive a funding boost from the Scottish Government.

Grants of up to £80,000 have been awarded to 12 projects undertaking a range of work, including:

  • helping families to access health services
  • providing money and budgeting advice
  • supporting employees to work flexibly around their family life

The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund invests in innovative, local projects to tackle child poverty – a commitment in this year’s Programme for Government.

First Minister John Swinney welcomed the announcement on a visit to CentreStage, a performing arts charity in Kilmarnock.

Later today (Tuesday 8 October) the First Minister will also meet people with experience of poverty at Bute House, before leading a Parliamentary debate as part of Challenge Poverty Week.

The First Minister said:

“Organisations like CentreStage demonstrate how the government is working closely with communities, local government and the third sector to help families facing challenges right now. My national mission to end child poverty is underpinned by the importance of this type of collaboration.

“We want to see this community-focussed approach replicated across Scotland. That’s why our Fairer Future Partnerships are expanding to five new areas across Scotland – joining up local services, offering financial advice and supporting parents into work. 

“Engaging people with experience of poverty as we build these services is at the heart of the government’s approach - and we are building on the strong foundations we have laid to end poverty in Scotland.

“The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund will kick-start another 12 innovative projects across the country to give even more families the help and support they need.”

Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of East Ayrshire Council and Chair of East Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board said: 

"In East Ayrshire, we recognise that the challenges of addressing poverty and inequality require the combined efforts of a whole range of partners.  We are therefore delighted to be one of five new Fairer Future Partnerships and look forward to working with Scottish Government and our partners, including the third sector, to advance local, innovative approaches that reduce child poverty through improving wellbeing, maximising incomes and supporting people into work.  

“As a Council we have already committed £40 million to be spent over the next ten years in support of change, prevention and early intervention, reflecting our commitment to tackling poverty and increasing fairness in our communities."


List of projects to receive grants from Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund:



West Lothian  

Identifying and addressing unmet need among low-income families 


Embedding income maximisation across children’s health services aligning with a preventative and proactive care programme 

East Lothian 

What Matters? Collecting, measuring and using data that is meaningful to families in East Lothian 

Aberdeen City 

Evaluation and design of lone parent employability support to inform and direct future provision 

East Renfrewshire 

Flexible for families employer scheme 

South Ayrshire  

Exploring interconnection between child poverty and additional support needs: enhancing neurodiverse parenting support in South Ayrshire through preventative family wellbeing approaches 

Dumfries & Galloway  

Accessible Financial Wellbeing Support for Priority Families Project 


Health Equity & Learning Project (HELP), identifying and addressing barriers for families accessing NHS services 

Scottish Borders  

Money advice and budgeting support for families in the Scottish Borders 


Challenging poverty related stigma 


Early intervention family engagement 


Dundee Dads Rock 

Challenge Poverty Week is a Poverty Alliance initiative which has taken place every year since 2013. This year it will take place from 7–13 Oct, with organisations across Scotland coming together to highlight the injustice of poverty in Scotland.  

The Programme for Government 2024-25 commits to:

  • Expanding place‑based ‘fairer futures partnerships’ to five more areas (North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, Perth and Kinross, Inverclyde, and Aberdeen City) – alongside three existing ones – supporting innovative, local approaches to joined‑up services that improve family wellbeing, maximise incomes, and support people into work. This will build an evidence base and share approaches that can be transferred to other parts of Scotland.
  • Investing in innovative, local projects to tackle child poverty, through a second round of our Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund.


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