
eBuildingStandards service launches

New service to save time and money.

A new eBuildingStandards system that streamlines applications through one web portal has launched.

eBuildingStandards follows the launch of the improved ePlanning service in January, and signals the latest development in streamlining public services in the digital age. This new service makes it quicker and easier to apply for building work both on individual home improvement projects and for larger commercial developments.

The portal enables:

  • The electronic submission to local authorities of building warrant applications and completion certificates
  • Electronic payment of associated fees directly to the local authority
  • Submit digital copies of supporting documentation, eliminating the need to print and post.

Together, the two portals offer applicants and local authorities an opportunity to save in cost and time with every application made online. This could see savings of over £73 million over the next 5 years to customers and local authorities.

Minister for Local Government and Housing, Kevin Stewart, said:

“In today’s world we know that customers want to engage digitally with local and central government.

“The drive to expand to eBuildingStandards came from customer feedback. We listened and responded to this and will continue to do so. This is our second eDevelopment service, following on from launch of the refreshed ePlanning service earlier this year.

“The new service went live as planned, and has already been a clear hit with customers. In its first week, over 500 applications were submitted – exceeding our predictions.”

Mr Stewart also highlighted the role played by Scotland’s 32 local authorities in helping the Scottish Government to deliver this service:

“This shared commitment and strong sense of joint ownership has enabled challenges to be overcome as a collective. This really is a fantastic example of local and central government working together to deliver something special. And over the coming months we will continue to work with our partners to drive forward with further opportunities for digital transformation.”

Robin Presswood, Head of Economy, Planning and Employability Services, Fife Council, said:

“Online applications have significant customer benefits. They are simple, save applicants time and money and are delivered to us swiftly, so enable us to start considering applications sooner.

“The new portal provides an easy-to-use way to submit applications for building warrants, completion certificates and other related forms.

“As a pioneer and early adopter of ePlanning, the ePlanning service launched in January 2016 has already helped us to further drive business efficiency, improve performance and increase community engagement. The eBuilding initiative is another step forward in ensuring that Fife Council is best placed to meet the needs of businesses and increase sustainable economic growth."

Eugene Mullan, Architect and Director of Smith Scott Mullan Associates, said:

“As architects, we operate in an almost entirely in the digital information world. It is important that we are able to interact efficiently and effectively with our clients and local authorities in submitting documents such as building warrant applications. As with the new ePlanning service, we welcome the eBuildingStandards initiative and see it as an opportunity to improve the efficiency of this process.”


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