
Enterprise and skills review

Call for evidence.

Businesses, students and others who use enterprise and skills services are being asked for their views about the support on offer.

Economy Secretary Keith Brown has issued a call for evidence as part of the end-to-end review he is leading of enterprise and skills support in Scotland.

The review aims to ensure the Scottish Government and all of our public agencies are delivering the joined-up support that our young people, universities, colleges and businesses need to increase sustainable economic growth.

Mr Brown said:

“Scotland is a wealthy and productive country with a strong economy, and I want to ensure we are able to deal with the economic challenges we face – including the volatility generated by the EU referendum.

“Our enterprise and skills agencies – Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council – have a key role to play in delivering the Scottish Government’s economic strategy, supporting economic development and enabling every individual to achieve their potential.

“This review will establish how these agencies should work together to provide the right support to the right people at the right time. That is why it is so important that we hear about the experiences of business, learners and other users of these services, and I urge everyone with an interest to submit their views before 15 August.”

Notes to editors

Economy Secretary Keith Brown confirmed in May that one of his first actions in his new role would be to carry out a review of enterprise and skills support. See:

The Economy Secretary is being assisted by a Ministerial Review Group, the membership of which has been drawn from a wide range of key stakeholders and experts. For more information about the group’s membership and remit, see:

Evidence can be submitted to the review until 15 August 2016 via


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