
Farmers get online

Digital Single Application Form.

More farmers are to be encouraged to apply online for CAP funding as part of a move to modernise the process and make it more efficient.

Farmers applying under the Single Application Form in 2018 will be offered more support to help them make the move online. This will include online guidance and one-to-one appointments in an Area Office.

The move online forms part of the Programme for Government, which aims to maintain direct support for farmers and crofters at current levels, put the CAP payment system on a secure footing and complete full digitalisation of the application process for payments by 2020.

Speaking ahead of a statement to Parliament tomorrow, Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“The drive to move online has been underway for several years and last year, more farmers and crofters than ever chose to make their application online. This new focus forms a major part of our priority actions in the coming year to modernise and improve the service we provide our farmers.

“For SAF 2018 we will be encouraging online take-up by the remaining paper customers and will be offering support to help them apply and manage their land information online. Achieving this will reduce the time spent manually processing claims and checking and correcting errors, ultimately making the payment process more efficient and easier. This in turn will provide farmers with more time to focus on the important business of farming.”


The Single Application Form is used by farmers to claim a range of Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 payments including CAP Basic Payment Scheme and land-based rural development payments.

Paper forms will still be available for those who require them or are unable to apply online.


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