
Finance, Constitution Committee briefed on Single Market

Proposal ‘bad for consumers and business, and disastrous for devolution’.

The Constitution Secretary has outlined to MSPs how the UK Government’s plans for a post-Brexit internal market would threaten high standards and a range of devolved policies.

Giving evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Constitution Committee, Michael Russell said the Scottish Government has now published a detailed 21-page document setting out the damage to devolution that would be caused by the plans.

Mr Russell said:

“The UK Government’s proposals talk about a guarantee for all UK companies to trade unhindered in every part of the UK – raising concerns about private companies pursuing a claim to be allowed to operate in Scotland’s health service.

“Indeed the whole thrust of these proposals is to impose uniform standards across a range of devolved policy areas whatever the wishes of the people of Scotland or the Scottish Parliament.

“That would mean that if a trade deal with the US resulted in lower food standards, those standards would have to be accepted in Scotland. That would be damaging to our world-leading, high-quality food and drink industry.

“All the indications are that the UK Government will try to fast-track these proposals, which will be bad for consumers and business, and disastrous for devolution.

“The Scottish Government will do all we can to stop them and to protect the Scottish Parliament.”





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