
First families receive Scottish Child Payments

52,000 applications approved.

Thousands of families are now receiving their first Scottish Child Payment. As of Sunday 28 February 52,000 applications had been approved.

The new benefit to tackle child poverty, which is unique to Scotland, will give qualifying parents and carers £40 every four weeks for each child under six.

98,000 applications had been received by the end of February. Parents and carers are able to apply for all eligible children in their household in a single application and can also apply for Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods at the same time.

Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

“I am delighted that the first payments of our game-changing Scottish Child Payment are now reaching families’ bank accounts. We’ve had a fantastic response to our new payment and I’m really proud that 52,000 applications have been approved already. I’m also really pleased at the number of applications received and I’d like to ask people for their patience while we process these as quickly as we can. 

“The Scottish Child Payment is the most ambitious anti-poverty measure currently being undertaken anywhere in the UK. This payment will help lift children out of poverty so we want everyone entitled to this new benefit to receive it.

“The Scottish Child Payment together with the three Best Start Grant payments and Best Start Foods could give families on low incomes up to £5,200 by the time their first child turns six. This is significant support which is why we are making every effort to reach people.

“Social Security Scotland has written to everyone eligible on their database and those on data feeds from HMRC and the Department for Work and Pensions, proactively inviting them to apply, and they will continue to do so as more people access these qualifying benefits.  We are also launching a marketing campaign later this month to promote our five social security payments for low income families to encourage everyone to apply for the financial support available.”

Omar Al Hmdan’s family, Aberdeen, received their first Scottish Child Payment this week. The father of three said:

“The Scottish Child Payment will be helpful to families right across Scotland who are struggling or have limited incomes. It will help support my family to buy milk, nappies and food for the household.

“I’m very proud to call Scotland my home and that our Scottish Government is providing this benefit to families who need it most. Throughout lockdown many families struggled but this support will make a big difference to my family and families across Scotland.”


  • Social Security Scotland Management Information can be viewed here
  • the next set of officials Scottish Child Payment statistics will be published early May.
  • parents and carers will receive a letter advising them of the outcome of their application and, if eligible, when to expect their first payment.
  • people who applied on or before 15 February will have their first Scottish Child Payment calculated from Monday 15 February. People who applied from Tuesday 16 February will have their payment calculated from the day that they apply.
  • Social Security Scotland delivers a number of benefits for families. This includes Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment, School Age Payment and Best Start Foods. Applications can be made for Scottish Child Payment and all of these using a single straightforward form.
  • Scottish Child Payment is a new benefit and it is in addition to the UK wide Child Benefit.
  • families can apply by visiting or calling 0800 182 2222.
  • to get advice on what benefits may be available parents and carers can access free, confidential advice through Money Talk Team. Visit to find out more.


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