First Minister confirms Cupar flooding support

Flooding recovery grants for householders and business owners affected by Storm Gerrit.

First Minister John Swinney has confirmed that funds will be made available to Fife Council to support households and businesses in Cupar flooded as a result of Storm Gerrit, on the same basis as the support provided to those worst affected by Storm Babet.

Flooding recovery grants will be made available as follows: £1,500 to eligible households and £3,000 to businesses.

The Scottish Government is working with Fife Council to finalise details of the application process and eligibility, and further details will be made available as soon as possible.

The First Minister confirmed the approach in a letter to Willie Rennie, Member of the Scottish Parliament for North East Fife.

Full text of the letter: Cupar flooding recovery: Letter from First Minister to Willie Rennie MSP - (


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