
First Minister congratulates Scotland’s recipients of Queen's Birthday Honours

Queen's Birthday Honours 2020

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has paid tribute to the Scottish recipients in The Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

Artist and printmaker, Dr Frances Mary Walker, is among those receiving a CBE for services to Scottish art.

Those receiving OBEs include Mrs Mary Louise Contini, Mr Richard Kenney, Dr Sarah Elizabeth McDonald and Mrs Ruth Anne Stevenson.

There are MBEs for, among others, Captain Caroline Lesley Brophy- Parkin, Ms Khadija Coll, Mrs Fiona Ann May Drouet, Mr Hector Donald Macaulay, Mr Asgher Mohammed and Mr James Wilson.

While those receiving BEMs include Mr John Anderson, Mr Kevin Burke, Mrs Agnes Cook, Mrs Margaret Joan Magdalene, Ms Jennifer Keenan and Special Constable Graham Wilson.

Police Scotland Chief Superintendents Campbell Thomson and Hazel Hendren will receive The Queen’s Police Medal. The Queen’s Fire Service Medal will be awarded to David McGown, Deputy Chief Officer in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and John Burnham, Director of Care Quality and Professional Development for the Scottish Ambulance Service will receive The Queen’s Ambulance Service Medal.

 First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

 “The Queen’s Birthday Honours highlight the exceptional contribution of the people of Scotland whose outstanding service and dedication has made a lasting contribution to communities the length and breadth of the country. Their service in fields ranging from the arts, education and sport to business, charity, community cohesion and science, has benefited people right across society.

“This year, it is also fitting that people who have done so much to help our efforts in tackling the coronavirus pandemic have been honoured. Their work, which has seen them go above and beyond their usual responsibilities, has been truly inspiring.

“I also want to extend my congratulations to emergency service personnel who have been awarded The Queen’s Fire, Police or Ambulance Service Medals. Our emergency services deserve our continued gratitude for helping to keep people and communities across Scotland safe; every day of the year and, of course, in these unprecedented times.”

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