
First Minister praises ‘inspirational’ young people

Launch of the UN Climate Change Conference of Youth.

Young people will be the conscience of COP and world leaders must act on their demand for urgent action to tackle climate change, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is expected to say today.

Addressing 400 delegates from 120 countries at the launch of the 16th UN Climate Change Conference of Youth, Ms Sturgeon is set to praise children and young people’s activism across the globe which had “spurred on, challenged, and inspired governments around the world”.

The First Minister is expected to say:

“It is important that young people are represented at this Summit. It is only right that you have a say in the decisions which affect you most – that’s a simple matter of fairness - but your presence also gives the Summit its very best chance of success.

“Your activism in recent years has spurred on, challenged, and inspired governments around the world. I can honestly say that you are the reason why, in 2019, Scotland became one of the first countries to declare a climate emergency.

“And your efforts are continuing to put this issue front and centre - in your own communities, in your home countries, and on the international stage.

“The idealism, creativity and sense of perspective that young people bring to this issue is a huge asset and I think it will help to ensure a successful outcome to COP. You should not have had to become the conscience of decision-makers around the world, but we will reach a better outcome if you are. We are determined that your voices will be heard.”


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