
First Minister welcomes progress on equality

Equality to be enshrined at heart of government.

The First Minister has welcomed progress to deliver recommendations from the National Advisory Council on Women and Girls to tackle gender inequality.

The Advisory Council was established to champion gender equality and suggest where more action is needed to tackle persistent inequality, support women in work, end violence against women and girls and challenge gender stereotypes.

All key recommendations in a recent 2019 report by the Advisory Council have been accepted by the Scottish Government.

Since the group’s year one report was published in January 2019:

  • A Bill on forensic medical services has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament. It ensures that victims can access healthcare, and forensic medical examination, without first making a report to police
  • A national Taskforce on Human Rights Leadership has been created and will explore the incorporation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, into Scots Law
  • A new commission to advance equality in education – the Task Force on Gender Equality in Education and Learning - has been established and will meet for the first time next month. It will be co-chaired by Razannah Hussain – a Young Scot Ambassador – and the Deputy First Minister John Swinney

Speaking at a National Advisory Council on Women and Girls event in Edinburgh, the First Minister said:

“As First Minister, I want to ensure that Scotland leads the way, that the generations of women and girls that come after me grow up with equal opportunities in a truly equal society.

“I have observed a growing appetite from across the Scottish Government and the wider public and private sectors to ensure that equality is fully considered and reflected in our respective policies.

“I believe that the bold, ambitious and thought-provoking recommendations of the National Advisory Council on Women and Girls will help us to do that.”


The National Advisory Council on Women and Girls was appointed by the First Minister in December 2017 to advise on what additional actions could be taken by the Scottish Government and others to realise gender equality in Scotland.

The National Advisory Council on Women and Girls 2019 report and recommendations


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