
Further £50 million for social care sector

Funding to help meet COVID-19 related costs.

The social care sector will receive up to £50 million further additional funding to help meet additional costs related to coronavirus (COVID-19), Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has announced.

Following an agreement between the Scottish Government and COSLA, the funding will be allocated to Integration Joint Boards (IJB) across Scotland to ensure the sustainability of the social care sector throughout the ongoing pandemic.

The additional resource comes on top of the £50 million previously allocated to the social care sector in May for COVID-19 related costs.

Scotland’s 31 health and social care partnerships have all put in place mobilisation plans and any additional expenditure will be expected to align with these plans. The funding will support social care providers with COVID-19-related costs such as a reduction in occupancy due to the virus, additional staffing or sickness costs, infection prevention and control and PPE.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said:

“Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic the social care sector has played a crucial and critical role in Scotland’s response. I know that it has been hugely challenging for social care staff and providers to deal with what is an unprecedented situation and all social care and healthcare staff working on the frontline have my sincere thanks.

“This second tranche of funding will bring our total extra allocation to the social care sector since May to £100 million, a sign of our practical commitment to continuing to support the sustainability and resilience of the sector.

“I am very clear that we will meet any increasing need for social care as a result of the pandemic and we will continue to work closely with COSLA and NHS Boards to ensure they have the resources required.”

COSLA’s Health and Social Care spokesperson Councillor Stuart Currie said:

“COSLA welcomes the announcement from Scottish Government in relation to a further allocation of funding to enable Health and Social Care Partnerships to continue to support the social care sector in their pivotal role responding to COVID 19. 

“COSLA will continue to work closely with Scottish Government to ensure that resources are released to enable Partnerships to meet all reasonable costs identified within Local Mobilisation Plans to address the challenges currently being faced by the sector.”


This announcement will extend the principles for social care sustainability payments to social care providers until the end of September, and will continue to support local authorities, IJBs and social care providers with financial challenges relating to COVID-19.

The Social Care Staff Support Fund is a separate commitment. It continues to remain in place until the end of September to ensure social care workers do not suffer financial hardship if they are ill or self-isolating as a result of coronavirus. Employers should pay eligible staff their expected income and reclaim any additional costs from Integration or Local Authorities. Guidance on eligibility and administration is available on the Scottish Government website.


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