
£3.6 million for climate change projects

Improving sanitation, agriculture and water access in developing nations.   

Developing countries will receive a share of more than £3.6 million of funding to help tackle the impact of climate change, Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has confirmed.

Ms Cunningham announced the investment as she joined politicians and activists from around the world at the 23rd annual UN Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention- the annual gathering to discuss tackling climate change, and delivering on the terms of the Paris Agreement. 

The funding includes:

  • £3.2m programme for to support community-led initiatives which will improve vital production of clean drinking water, and boost agricultural production in Malawi
  • £250,000 to improve access to water, sanitation governance, and infrastructure in Malawi, as part of the Hydro Nation Justice Project
  • £180,000 to share learning between Scotland and Malawi on adapting to climate change risks.

    Ms Cunningham said: “We have made tackling climate change one of our top priorities domestically, and now we’re committing over £3.6 million internationally to further support developing nations - in particular Malawi. “Climate change is a problem which affects all of us, and the UN Conference presents a unique opportunity for political differences to be put aside in order to tackle the problem collectively. “Scotland and the rest of the developed world has a clear moral duty to ensure our lifestyles do not cause harm to the world’s poorest people. That is why we continue to set – and surpass – increasingly ambitious targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.” 


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