
Help for carers

Rise in inclusive tourism short breaks.

Hundreds of families have benefited from a pilot that is increasing the number of short breaks for full-time unpaid carers, Tourism Secretary Fiona Hyslop has revealed.

In 2016, the Respitality initiative has allowed 564 unpaid carers and a companion to take a break, gifted by the tourism industry, at hotels, guest houses, leisure clubs and restaurants.

In addition, the Scottish Government has allocated more than £20 million from 2010-2017 towards the Short Break Fund, administered on behalf of national carers organisations by Shared Care Scotland.

Speaking ahead of Scottish Tourism Week and a Parliamentary debate on inclusive tourism, Ms Hyslop said:

“Inclusive tourism recognises the need for everyone to be able to have a holiday or a break from their everyday routine, which can bring both social and economic benefits.

“Scotland has an active portfolio of initiatives that are trying to include many different social groups into tourism that would otherwise be excluded.

“Short breaks provide significant benefits for carers, helping them to have a break away from their caring responsibilities to recharge their batteries and have a little time for themselves.”

Don Williamson, CEO of Shared Care Scotland, said:

“Thanks to the support of Scottish Government and the hospitality sector, our Respitality project is expanding steadily across Scotland giving many more unpaid carers the chance of a well-deserved break.

“Scottish Tourism Week gives us an opportunity to both thank the sector for their wonderful generosity, and we hope persuade more businesses to come on board.”


Respitality (respite + hospitality) originated in the USA and provides a way for carers centres and the Scottish hospitality sector to work together to provide holiday breaks.

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