
Helping Ukrainians into longer term housing

Steps to provide displaced people with accommodation stability.

Ukrainian people seeking refuge from the war will be supported to access longer term housing, under plans to further reduce the number of displaced people in Scotland living in temporary welcome accommodation.

From Thursday 07 December, Ukrainians arriving in Scotland for the first time through the Super Sponsor scheme and entering welcome accommodation will be supported by local authorities to identify two longer term accommodation options. Temporary welcome accommodation will be available for a maximum of six months, but may be extended in certain circumstances.

Ukrainians who are already in welcome accommodation will also be supported to find two longer term accommodation options. Where a displaced person chooses to make their own accommodation arrangements after six months and has declined offers, a maximum of 60 additional days in welcome accommodation will be permitted to allow them to safely move on.

From January, displaced people who have previously stayed in welcome accommodation and have left for an extended period will not be able to return in most cases, but will be offered help and advice to identify alternative housing options.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

“Over 26,000 people from Ukraine have arrived in the UK with a Scottish sponsor, more than 20,500 of them through our Super Sponsor scheme. Our welcome accommodation ensures that we can offer everyone who needs it an initial safe place to stay. However, we do not want people to spend longer than necessary without a settled place to call home.

“Thanks to our close working with local authorities and the third sector, the number of Ukrainians living in welcome accommodation has more than halved over the past year. These next steps will help us support even more people to find safe, settled accommodation for the longer term. This will provide much-needed stability, helping them set down roots and make the most of local opportunities.

“We will work with local authorities and COSLA to help meet the needs of individuals and families – helping those who need additional support and considering affordability, employment and education. Many Ukrainians choose to make their own accommodation arrangements and the resettlement and housing teams in our local authorities can also support this.”

COSLA Community Wellbeing Spokesperson, Councillor Maureen Chalmers said:

“Since Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, Scottish Local Government has worked in strong partnership with Scottish Government, third sector colleagues and the Ukrainian community to support displaced people seek refuge and safety in Scotland.

“Throughout this period, we have seen an exceptional level of public support. This has included thousands of people offering rooms in their homes to support hosting arrangements; a flourishing network of community and third sector activity to welcome Ukrainian households into local neighbourhoods; and support from colleagues across public services to ensure that guests have access to vital services which support resettlement and integration.

“This announcement is the next step in ensuring Ukrainian households who have arrived in Scotland have access to a home which meets their needs. Prolonged stays in welcome accommodation are unable to support the long-term integration needs of displaced people. Local Government is committed to supporting displaced households settle into longer term accommodation and integrate into local communities to ensure they benefit from the enhanced wellbeing that this brings.” 


  • Reasonable offers of accommodation will typically include one affordable tenancy agreement and one offer of staying with a volunteer host. 
  • While welcome accommodation is intended to be a short term option for a maximum of six months, it may take longer to identify suitable accommodation in some cases. This could include areas with significant existing housing pressures, or where a family has more complex needs.
  • The process for receiving longer term offers may vary in some Local Authorities, who may instead support displaced people to make applications for housing that can result in an offer of suitable accommodation from a Housing Association.
  • Ukrainians currently staying in welcome accommodation will be able to leave for up to five consecutive nights without needing to obtain permission. Those intend to leave for longer should seek permission from the Local Authority to keep the room available.
  • The Scottish Government regularly publishes statistical information about the Ukrainian sponsorship scheme in Scotland. The latest statistics were published on 19 October: Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland: statistics - October 2023 - (
  • Our Warm Scots Future paper was launched on 27 September 2023. It sets out our priorities for supporting displaced people from Ukraine to settle for the longer term, including through boosting access to settled housing and reducing the use of temporary accommodation.
  • Our £50m Ukraine Longer Term Resettlement Fund is supporting Local Authorities and Registered Social Landlords to bring empty properties back into use for Ukrainians to live in. Sixteen of these projects have been approved so far, bringing 1,200 social rented homes across Scotland back into use, with more projects in the pipeline.
  • On April 6 2023 we published “Scotland for Ukrainians: a guide for displaced people”, a comprehensive guide for displaced people from Ukraine arriving under the Scottish Super Sponsor scheme.


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