
Improving lives of non-binary people

Response to working group recommendations.

Commitments to improve the lives of non-binary people and tackle the barriers they face in their everyday lives have been published.

Covering areas such as healthcare, education, and access to services, they have been made in response to recommendations from the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality, which comprised academics, LGBTI organisations and people with lived experience. The Scottish Government has accepted or partially accepted 24 of the group’s 35 recommendations, feeding into an action plan to be published next year.

Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie said:

“I’d like to thank the working group for producing this report, which clearly articulates the barriers and exclusion faced by non-binary people, such as when they interact with or seek support from public services. I’m particularly grateful to the group members with lived experience for sharing their insights, which are at the heart of the group’s ambitious recommendations.

“We have accepted the majority of the recommendations, partially accepting those with which we agree in principle but not to the full extent suggested by the group. Others we have committed to consider further so we can fully consider their impact or feasibility, and in a few cases we have declined the recommendation as it’s not achievable.

“We want to improve equality and bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people, and we will now develop an action plan based on the group’s work to set out more fully how we intend to do this. I believe that advancing equality for marginalised groups ultimately advances rights for all. This is an opportunity to begin improving conditions for the non-binary community as well as other marginalised groups in Scotland.”


Non-Binary Working Group Report and Recommendations March 2022 - (

Scottish Government Response to Recommendations of the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality July 2022 - (


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