
Improving support for children and carers

Review Group’s recommendations welcomed.

Recommendations to improve support for kinship and foster carers have been published.

The National Care Allowances Review Group has suggested changes to give families of children in foster, kinship and adoption care smoother access to information and more consistent financial support.

Following consultation, the 12 recommendations to Ministers include:

  • consideration of a Scottish Recommended Allowance for kinship and foster carers
  • a revision of all guidance available for carers to ensure a clear understanding of what benefits and support they are entitled to
  • a clear and transparent approach by local authorities to decisions around any additional or exceptional allowances, in line with Getting It Right For Every Child

Minister for Children and Young People Maree Todd said:

“The support that foster and kinship carers receive makes a real difference for them and the children and young people they look after.

“Services and allowances are different across the country, and this welcome report highlights the importance of ensuring that transparent and accessible information, guidance and support is available for kinship and foster carers, regardless of where they live.

“I am grateful to the members of the National Review of Care Allowances Group for their work and all the young people, carers and representative organisations who contributed their views. I look forward to working with local government partners to agree how we can put these recommendations into action.”

COSLA Children and Young People Spokesperson Cllr Stephen McCabe said:

“COSLA welcomes the work of the Review Group and will work jointly with the Scottish Government over the coming months to give full consideration to the recommendations.  The report highlights the importance of clear information being made available locally, and this is something we can work together to take action to improve quickly. As corporate parents, local authorities are keen to ensure that all looked after and care experienced children and young people and their families and carers feel supported.”

National Review of Care Allowances

The Scottish Government committed to review foster, kinship and adoption allowances, bringing forward proposals for national kinship care and foster care allowances in summer 2018.

The National Care Allowances Review Group members included representatives from Scottish Government, COSLA, local authorities, Social Work Scotland, third sector stakeholders and Scotland Excel.


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