
Making more of Scotland’s land

Vision for land rights and responsibilities.

A ‘world first’ vision for land rights and responsibilities has been published.

The Scottish Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement outlines a strong and dynamic relationship between its land and people, where rights and responsibilities are fully recognised and fulfilled.

Announcing the publication of the statement at the Scottish Land Commission Conference in Dunfermline, Cabinet Secretary for Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham said:

“I’m proud that this statement about land rights and responsibilities is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. I am sure it will play an important role in shaping the thinking on land issues in Scotland in the years to come.

“It rightly promotes and supports a human rights approach to land and will contribute to securing rights, equality and wellbeing by balancing public and private interests.

“Setting out this vision signals our determination to continue to lead the way in ensuring Scotland’s urban and rural land plays a full role in promoting inclusive growth, a sustainable economy and social justice.”


The Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement will support work towards greater diversity of ownership, including more community ownership, high standards and transparency of land ownership and use, and greater collaboration and community engagement in decisions about land.

Together with the Scottish Land Commission’s Strategic Plan, the statement underlines the Government’s commitment to on-going and long-term land reform.

The Scottish Land Commission may issue further guidance in due course about the application of the statement on the ground, in a day to day context.


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