
Management of fish quotas

New arrangement for trial period.  

New arrangements for managing quotas are being trialled in Scotland’s fisheries.

The project, which will run until the end of 2021, will see the establishment of new legal entities called Quota Management Groups. These organisations, which will have to be based in Scotland and administer Scottish registered vessels, will be given responsibility for allocating quotas in a sustainable way within their group of boats.

Currently, responsibility for managing quotas rests with Fisheries Producer Organisations. The Quota Management Groups will operate alongside them until the end of 2021, at which point a full evaluation will take place.

Fisheries Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“We are constantly looking at how we can manage our fishery resources in the most efficient and sustainable way. 

“Quota Management Groups will have to operate in line with Scottish Government objectives and demonstrate that they have the expertise, systems and processes in place to manage quotas effectively and sustainably on behalf of their vessels.

“By working closely with Marine Scotland, the Quota Management Groups will potentially increase the understanding of our sea fisheries sector. Our hope is that the trial will bring benefits to Scottish coastal communities and inform future policy.”


More information on Quota Management Groups.


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