
Moray maternity services

Return to consultant-led care at Dr Gray’s hospital.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf has welcomed the plan to return of consultant-led obstetric care to Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin.

The draft plan approved for submission at NHS Grampian’s Board meeting last week and reflects the commitment to enhance maternity services in the North of Scotland.

It will now be considered by the Scottish Government and by the External Assurance Panel led by Dr Linda de Caestecker and, once reviewed in full, a further update will be provided to Parliament.

The Cabinet Secretary closed a Members Debate on Maternity Services at Dr Gray's today.

Mr Yousaf said:

“NHS Grampian has now formally submitted their draft plan to me and it outlines timescales and milestones towards the reintroduction of consultant led births at Dr Grays in 2026. I asked Grampian to be ambitious and bold and I believe they have fulfilled the brief with this plan. 

“As a result of this ambitious plan, we will no longer be proceeding with Model 4 as previously outlined, however I expect NHS Highland and Grampian to continue to work together to ensure sustainable maternity services for women in the North and North East of Scotland.

“Redevelopment of Raigmore maternity unit remains a key part of this journey, to provide vital improvements for women who give birth there. I am also pleased to see enhanced complex antenatal care; consultant led triage and day assessment and elective caesarean sections returned to Dr Gray’s in two years’ time – this is very positive for the women of Moray, and will significantly reduce the number of journeys to Aberdeen.”


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