
New consumer organisation

Legislation published to create Consumer Scotland.

A new body to represent the interests of consumers is one step closer following the publication of legislation.

The Consumer Scotland Bill is the first step in establishing a new organisation called Consumer Scotland which will work to generate improved service, greater value for money and better buying choices for shoppers.

Business Minister Jamie Hepburn said:

“This is an important milestone in our work to make sure that a fairer Scotland means fairer outcomes for consumers. Consumer Scotland will be a dedicated champion for everyone across Scotland, focused on investigating consumer harm and developing solutions to tackle it.

“This kind of champion is needed more than ever. Between rising costs and reduced access to services like local banks, consumers need a strong voice to speak for them, and to bring public, third sector and private organisations together to find practical answers to these problems.

“Consumer Scotland will ensure Scotland is a place where voices are listened to and can make change happen.”

Which? Director of Advocacy Caroline Normand said:

“Scottish consumers have told us about their deep concerns in many areas, from diminishing day-to-day banking services to patchy telecoms connections, and our research has exposed the impact these issues have had on trust in these essential industries.

“The move to create a dedicated consumer body backed by the Scottish Government to tackle these chronic issues is very positive. By putting a duty on public bodies to prioritise consumer interests, as well as providing adequate funding, the Scottish Government can ensure Consumer Scotland can play a crucial role in improving the lives of ordinary people.”


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