
Orkney Internal Ferry Replacement Task Force

Funding agreed for business case development.

The Scottish Government has agreed in principle to fund the further development of the business case to investigate replacing the internal ferry fleet in Orkney.

The agreement was reached during today’s meeting of the Orkney Internal Ferry Replacement Task Force, which took place in Edinburgh and was chaired by the Deputy First Minister.

Task Force members also agreed to continue with the group and a potential approach to the UK Government in the future.

Deputy First Minister Shona Robison said:

“I would like to thank Orkney Islands Council for its constructive engagement through the Task Force process.

“We have agreed in principle to fund the further development of the business case as part of the budgetary process and will confirm that funding in due course.

“The Scottish Government remains committed to the Orkney Ferry Replacement Task Force, and all members agreed to explore future engagement with the UK Government.”

Leader of Orkney Islands Council James Stockan said:

“We are delighted with the progress that we have made today at the Ferries Taskforce meeting.

“The commitment in principle from the Scottish Government to funding the business case for our replacement ferries in this year’s budget settlement, together with the absolute commitment to continuing to work together as we move forward to a full replacement of the ferry fleet are both very welcome.

“I look forward to continuing this positive working relationship in the year ahead.”


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