
Post Office/Horizon Cases Update

Decision from the High Court of Justiciary.

Issued on behalf of the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission

The SCCRC notes today’s decision of the High Court of Justiciary in respect of two of its referrals of 8 November 2022 regarding convictions affected by issues arising from the Horizon computer system in Scotland.  A further four referred cases from that date are still currently under consideration.

Having previously been supplied with the names of more than 80 individuals with criminal convictions potentially affected by these issues, the SCCRC undertook extensive efforts to trace the whereabouts of these individuals and contact them regarding potential applications to the Commission.

In addition to the six referrals made on 8 November 2022, a subsequent seven cases are currently under active review.

The SCCRC is still accepting applications from those affected by the Horizon computer system. It encourages anyone who believes that they have suffered a miscarriage of justice to make contact.

Notes for Editors

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission was established as an independent body on 1 April 1999 to review alleged miscarriages of justice in Scottish convictions and/or sentences. Under section 194 A–T of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, the Commission may refer a case to the High Court if it believes that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred and that it is in the interests of justice that a reference should be made. Once a case is referred to the High Court by the Commission, it will proceed as a normal appeal.

The Commission operates with a Board of 8 Members, one of whom is the Chairperson, a Chief Executive, a Director of Corporate Services, 2 Senior Legal Officers, 3 Legal Officers and administrative support staff.

In terms of its disclosure policy, the Commission will disclose the fact that a case has been referred. However, as it operated under statutory non-disclosure provisions, the Commission will not disclose any further information about such cases.

For any further general information about the Commission please contact:

Mr Chris Reddick,

Director of Corporate Services,


4th Floor,

Portland House,

17 Renfield Street,


G2 5AH

Tel: 0141 270 7030,

e-mail: or visit the Commission’s website at


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