
Post-school education and skills

Key reforms and actions announced.

A new national model of public funding for all colleges and universities, as well as apprenticeships and training, will be developed as part of widespread reforms across the education and skills sector.

The Scottish Government will  also take over responsibility for skills planning, with the new national qualifications body overseeing all publicly funded post school qualifications, except degrees.

The changes are set out in a new blueprint for the future of post-school education, research and skills which published today. It accepts a number of the recommendations in the recent Withers review, which called for major change in the skills delivery system to improve outcomes for learners and employers, as well as other reports on educational reform.

Higher and Further Education Minister Graeme Dey said:

“Over half a million people are participating in our education, research and skills system every year, underpinned by over £3 billion of investment. We need to ensure it is fit for the future and that’s why we are embarking on a widespread programme of reform across the sector.

“Globalisation, technological advances, the impact of the pandemic and demographic changes all point toward the need for change, as well as the shifting expectations of students and of employers.

“A key part of this is ensuring all elements of the lifelong education and skills sector work together as one single system. The recent review of skills delivery by James Withers set out a clear case for change, starting with these key actions for Government, which I believe will help to deliver the improvement required. 

"The skills landscape must fit the needs of the people of Scotland so that everyone can fulfil their potential and contribute to our society, economy and place in the wider world."


 Purpose and Principles for post-school education, research and skills 

Initial priorities for implementation 

Independent Review of the Skills Delivery Landscape


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