
Private Sector Rent Statistics published

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

Statistics on annual average private sector rents to the end of September 2020 have been released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.

Average rents for two bedroom properties, the most common type of private rented home in Scotland, increased above Consumer Price Index inflation of 0.5% in 11 out of 18 areas. The largest increase was 4.0% in East Dunbartonshire. Five areas saw little change in average rents compared with the previous year, with annual changes between -0.5% and 0.5%. Two areas saw average two bedroom rents decrease by more than 0.5%: the Ayrshires (including East, North and South Ayrshire) (-0.6%) and West Dunbartonshire (-1.3%).

These regional trends combine to show an estimated 1.1% annual increase in average two bedroom monthly rents across Scotland.

There were also estimated increases in average rents across Scotland for one bedroom (1.8%), three bedroom (2.2%), four bedroom (2.0%) and one bedroom shared properties (where a room is rented in shared accommodation) (2.5%).

Over the longer term, average rents in Lothian and Greater Glasgow increased above the rate of inflation between 2010 and 2020 across all property sizes, whilst in the Ayrshires, Dumfries and Galloway, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire, average rents rose less than the rate of inflation.

The annual figures in this publication cover the period from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020. Government measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) were introduced in mid-March, with housing market-related restrictions being eased towards the end of June. Any COVID-related impacts on the figures presented may therefore be limited.


The full statistical publication includes main findings on rent levels for one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom, four bedroom, and one bedroom shared properties. It presents information on rent levels for these property sizes across each of the 18 broad rental market areas in Scotland and contains information on average rents as well as rents at the higher and lower end of the market.

The publication uses data from the Rent Service Scotland market evidence database, which is collected for the purposes of determining annual Local Housing Allowance levels and Local Reference Rent. The rental information contained in the market evidence database is largely based on advertised rents. Therefore, it is important to note that the statistics presented in this publication do not represent rent increases for existing tenants.

For this publication the Scotland-level average mean rent figures have been calculated on a weighted average approach using separate Scottish Household Survey based stock estimates. This methodology has also been applied to the 2010 to 2019 historic time series to help improve the precision and robustness of the national level average rent figures series presented.

Official statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.


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