
Private Water Supplies

Help for communities whose water supplies have run dry.

Scottish Government funding will be made available to Local Authorities and Scottish Water to ensure that emergency supplies of drinking water are provided to communities where their private water supplies have run dry.

Although the vast majority of Scotland has access to public water supplies, nearly 4% of the population rely on private water supplies. The majority of these are from springs and burns which are vulnerable to lengthy periods of dry weather.

The recent Water Scarcity Report from The Scottish Environment Protection Agency shows that the river flows are low in many areas, increasing the risk that private supplies will run dry.   

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham, and Finance and Economy Secretary Derek Mackay have written to all local authorities to ask them to work with Scottish Water to ensure that affected communities are provided with emergency supplies.

Announcing the additional funding, Finance and Economy Secretary Derek Mackay said:

“An adequate supply of drinking water is something that most of us take for granted. However, for those who are not connected to the public supply, this is not the case particularly in prolonged dry periods.

“We are determined to ensure that no one goes without drinking water because of the current dry spell. For this reason, I have confirmed to Local Authorities and Scottish Water that the Scottish Government will cover the additional costs incurred where emergency supplies need to be provided.

“Where communities are experiencing difficulties, they should contact their Local Authority for advice and assistance.

“I would urge everyone across Scotland, whether connected to the public or a private supply to use water wisely in the coming weeks to ease the pressure facing the water network and to help conserve water supplies.”

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