
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Update

Experts to review cases of infection.

Two independent experts have been appointed to oversee a team reviewing cases of infection at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

Speaking in Parliament, Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said Professor Mike Stevens of the University of Bristol and Gaynor Evans, NHS Improvement England’s Clinical lead for the Gram-negative Bloodstream Infection Programme, will be supported by Health Protection Scotland.

The review will examine all recorded Gram-negative bloodstream infections in children receiving haemato-oncology treatment from the opening of the Royal Hospital for Children until now. It is being led by Professor Marion Bain who was appointed by the Cabinet Secretary in December to take over responsibility for infection and control at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

The team will find out whether these children were put at risk because of the physical environment in which they were cared for and whether the infection prevention and control processes were effective in relation to the risk identified.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said:

“As I’ve said before it is critical that the families affected by the cases in Glasgow have their voices heard and their questions answered.

“I have asked the expert panel to prioritise examination of both those cases where infection was present and the child died and those children and young people who are currently receiving treatment, so that families can have answers in both the most difficult of circumstances and where they have questions and concerns about ongoing treatment of their child.

“It is crucial that this is done as comprehensively and transparently as possible and that is why I welcome the expertise of Professor Mike Stevens and Gaynor Evans.”



Ministerial Statement: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Update


Gaynor Evans

Gaynor Evans is the NHS England Clinical Lead supporting the national ambition to reduce gram negative bloodstream infections (GNBSI) across England until March 2020 when she will retire from post. A registered nurse, she has worked as an infection prevention and control (IPC) specialist for more than 20 years in national, regional and local leadership roles.

Before joining the national IPC team she held operational and strategic roles as Head of IPC in the North of England for NHS Improvement /Trust Development Authority and IPC programme manager for Midlands and East Strategic Health Authority.

Professor Mike Stevens

Professor Stevens is an Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Oncology at the University of Bristol. He has had more than 30 years of experience as a Consultant Paediatric Oncologist in the United Kingdom. He has served terms as Chair of the UK Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (twice) and as European President of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology.

Over the past five years, he has undertaken two internal governance reports and a departmental management review for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. He also chaired an external report for NHS England on paediatric oncology service configuration in London.

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