
Questionnaire on Scottish-Irish relations

Views sought on countries’ future relationship.

The Scottish and Irish governments have launched an online questionnaire about how the two countries can work together over the next five years.

The questionnaire, which is open to the public, covers areas including business and the economy, culture, rural communities and education.

It forms part of a review of Scottish-Irish relations, which will lead to a set of joint goals for 2020-2025.

External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop said:

“Scotland and Ireland have a strong and long-lasting friendship, forged through our shared history and culture.

“Through this review we want to build on that friendship even further, strengthening existing areas of collaboration while seeking new opportunities to work together, trade and learn from each other.

“If you’ve lived, worked, studied or done business in both countries, or simply have an interest in Scottish-Irish relations, we’d love to hear from you.”


The bilateral review of Scottish-Irish relations was launched in November and covers collaboration in key policy areas including business, community, culture, rural and academic links, building on the experiences of joint initiatives such as the Irish-Scottish Health Forum.

More information on the review can be found at and

The online questionnaire will be open until 20 March.


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