
Recognising the impact of trauma

Funding for services to help support those affected

Funding of £1.6 million has been allocated to local authorities across Scotland to help deliver services that can safely support people affected by psychological trauma and adversity.

The funding will allow local authorities to invest in training and staffing to enable public and third sector services - including health, education, justice and housing - to work in ways that understand and support people affected by trauma. The investment will also support involvement of people with lived experience of trauma in the design and delivery of services.

Sexual abuse, domestic abuse and childhood neglect are just some of the many different traumatic experiences which can have devastating and long lasting effects on a person’s life, if left unsupported.

The award is part of the National Trauma Training Programme, led by NHS Education for Scotland, which supports the Scottish Government and COSLA’s aim for trauma-informed workforce and services across Scotland.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Kevin Stewart said: 

“Trauma can affect any one of us at any time, but we also know that some people are more vulnerable than others, especially children.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the prevalence and impact of trauma into sharper focus than ever before.

“Scotland’s workforce, particularly those in frontline services, have faced incredibly challenging circumstances recently and may have experienced trauma in the course of their work and in their personal lives. Supporting the wellbeing of the workforce and involving people who have been affected by trauma in the development and delivery of services are central to trauma-informed ways of working.”

“This funding will support local authorities to work with partners to further develop trauma-informed approaches, building on the significant progress that has already been made in many areas to better recognise and support people affected by trauma.”

COSLA President Councillor Allison Evison “Ensuring we have a trauma informed workforce and that our services are delivered in a trauma informed way is an essential part of how we will continue to recover from the pandemic.  Trauma has and will affect individuals from all parts of our communities, as well as a great many in our workforce who have been working tirelessly on the frontline of the COVID response.  It is essential that we prioritise their mental health and wellbeing to ensure they are best equipped to support those who are vulnerable and to cope personally with the challenges they will face.

I welcome this funding that will support Councils and our partners to keep building on the excellent work that they already do.  It is another clear step in our shared ambition with Scottish Government to enhance the essential services we deliver and to ensure we provide the support and care that so many need.”


The National Trauma Training Programme was established in 2018. The education and training component is led by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and supported by the Improvement Service and other partners. For more information visit NES Trauma Informed - Home (

This forms part of the Scottish Government commitment to better preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and where ACEs have occurred, to help children and adults overcome these experiences and build resilience.  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma - (

A Trauma Champions Network, consisting of senior leaders from local authorities, health boards, health and social care partnerships and other key community planning partners, is helping to progress trauma-informed practice in local areas and share learning across geographical and professional boundaries.


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