
Redress scheme payments

Over £20 million paid to survivors.

More than £20 million has been paid to survivors of historic in-care abuse through Scotland's Redress scheme in just over a year.

Since the scheme launched in December 2021, 404 applicants have received payments totalling £20.1 million.

The latest figures are set out in a letter to the Scottish Parliament's Education, Children and Young People committee from Deputy First Minister John Swinney.

Mr Swinney said:

"Scotland’s Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and tangible recognition of the harm that has been caused to survivors of historical child abuse in care.

“In addition to paying out more than £20 million to survivors in the past 15 months, these latest figures also show the scheme has continued to progress well. In February, the number of applications passed to Redress Scotland for determination reached a new high of 93, double the figure in January. 

"I know this has been a long and difficult journey for many survivors and we remain committed to ensuring the scheme remains survivor-focused and trauma-informed."




Letter to committee:


22 March 2023

Dear Convener,

Scotland’s Redress Scheme

Following on from my letter to the Committee on 16 February 2023, I write to provide you with an update on the progress of Scotland’s Redress Scheme before I leave office.

As of 28 February 2023, a total of 2118 applications for redress have been received. You will recall that during the evidence session on 12 January, I advised the Committee that we expected the throughput of applications being passed to Redress Scotland for determination to increase siginicantly in the coming months. I can confirm that in February 2023 93 applications were passed to Redress Scotland: in comparison to 47 and 46 in December 2022 and January 2023 respectively. Total redress payments made to applicants now exceeds £20 million.

I hope that this letter provides the Committee with assurance that Scotland’s Redress Scheme continues to progress well. May I take this final opportunity to thank the Committee for your ongoing support of Scotland’s Redress Scheme.




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