
Residential rehabilitation study published.

Review finds positive outcomes associated with the treatment.

Residential rehabilitation can reduce substance misuse and improve health and quality of life according to a new review.

The Scottish Government report, which examines existing literature on the subject, follows a recommendation by the Residential Rehabilitation Working Group to better understand the treatment models on offer.

The study shows that residential rehabilitation can lead to better mental health outcomes and improvements in areas such as offending, social engagement and employment, though relatively few studies on social outcomes exist. The importance of ongoing support following a placement is also highlighted in the study.

The Scottish Government will allocate £100 million to residential rehabilitation over the course of this parliament.

Drugs Policy Minister Angela Constance said:

“Getting people into the treatment and recovery that is right for them at the right time is at the core of our national mission to save and improve lives and residential rehabilitation is one of a wide range of options.

“The findings of this review are encouraging and support our decision to allocate £100 million to residential rehabilitation over the course of this parliament. We have increased funding to Alcohol and Drug Partnerships to improve access to residential rehabilitation and are clear it should be part of a full range of drug prevention and treatment services available in all local authority areas.

“We are also investing a further £10 million per year to support the delivery of Medication Assisted Treatment standards over the next four years, which mean people who use drugs receive help the day they ask for it, regardless of where they live.”

Chair of the Scottish Government’s Working Group on Residential Rehabilitation David McCartney said:

“The Scottish Government’s robust review of the evidence base for residential rehabilitation reinforces the view that this is an effective intervention associated with improvements across the domains of substance use, health and life quality. Those of us who work in residential rehabilitation see the evidence of its positive impact every day, but it is clearly also crucial to demonstrate this through scientific study.

“This review should encourage us to ensure that residential rehabilitation is an accessible part of a comprehensive and joined-up recovery-oriented system of care – a system which flexes to meet the needs and goals of individuals and their families affected by substance use disorders.”


Residential rehabilitation: literature review


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