
Restrictions on food promotions

Consultation responses on the marketing of junk foods.

An analysis on a recent consultation on restricting the promotion and marketing of junk foods has been published.

There were 726 responses from individuals and organisations on the proposals being considered which included the restriction of multi-buys and junk food displays at checkouts. The analysis also examines views on the overall aim of reducing public health harms associated with the excessive consumption of food and drink which is high in fat, sugar or salt.

Following the consultation, the Scottish Government announced in the Programme for Government that it will bring forward a Bill on Restricting Foods Promotions in this parliament.

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said:

“We want to reduce the harms caused by poor diet and weight and make it easier for people to make healthier choices.

“Having the right measures in place to restrict junk food promotions which encourage over-consumption and impulse buying will help us achieve our ambition to halve childhood obesity by 2030. That’s why I will introduce a Bill as soon as is practicable.

“The independent analysis published today will help to inform the development of the Bill.”


Results of the consultation on Reducing health harms of foods high in fat, sugar or salt



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