
School holiday meals for children

Funding for food and activities during the summer break.

More children and young people will benefit from a nutritious meal and a place to play this summer holiday.

Charities and councils will increase support for children from low income families during the school holidays, backed by £350,000 from the Scottish Government.

National charity Cash for Kids, CentreStage in Ayrshire, Community Food Initiatives North East, Moray Food Plus, and Milton Holiday Hub in the Highlands will share the funding.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said:

“The school holidays are a time for fun, but I know it can be a struggle for families when schools are closed.

“That is why we are working in partnership with the third sector and councils to provide more places where children and young people can go during the school holidays to play, socialise, and, importantly, have a nutritious meal.

“We know that income is a key driver of food insecurity during the school holidays – our new Scottish Child Payment, worth £10 per week per eligible child, will lift 30,000 children out of poverty by 2023-24.”

Chief Executive of Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) Dave Simmers said:

“CFINE is delighted and appreciates the financial support we get through the Scottish Government which we will use to feed over 400 children per day through the summer holidays.

“Working in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, AFC Community Trust, Sport Aberdeen and others, and with Scottish Government support, ‘Food and Fun’ will provide the children with delicious, healthy meals combined with active, fun activities. This makes a huge difference to low income families in the city.”



National charity, Cash for Kids will receive £250,000 to fund a range of community groups offering holiday programmes, linking up with local authority activity across Scotland. The charity expects to reach over 61,000 children this year.

CentreStage in Ayrshire has expanded their Dignified Food Project since the Easter holidays and with £54,000 of funding will roll-out the project to 12 areas across Ayrshire.

Community Food Initiatives North East and Moray Food Plus will share a further £3,000, working in partnership with Aberdeen City Council and others to build on existing support.

The Scottish Government took forward the recommendations of the Poverty and Inequality Commission earlier this year, and worked to improve the coordination of support for families during the school holidays. This will see the creation of a Holiday Hub in Milton which will use £43,000 to pilot a comprehensive public and third sector partnership. Led by Highland Council, the Holiday Hub will include childcare, activities, nutritious food and wider family support in a rural area.


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