Secure Care Statistics: 2023-24
An Accredited Official Statistics Publication.
Secure Care Statistics for the period from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024 have been published today.
Key findings include:
- During 2023-24, there were an average of 60 children in secure care accommodation – up 2% from an average of 59 children in 2022-23.
- 149 admissions to Secure Care Accommodation took place during 2023-24 – a 3% decrease from the previous year (154).
- On average, 48 children were from within Scotland (up 30% on 2022-23) and 12 were from outside Scotland (down 45% on 2022-23).
- Emergency beds were used for a total number of 11 nights – continuing the noticeable reduction starting in 2020, in total, six residents used an emergency bed during the 2023-24.
The full statistical publication is available on our website.
This report is part of the Children’s Social Work Statistics publication series. The statistics include data collected from four secure care accommodation services in Scotland: Good Shepherd Secure Unit, Kibble Safe Centre, Rossie Secure Accommodation Services and St. Mary’s Kenmure. These figures relate to the reporting year 01 August 2023 to 31 July 2024.
Secure accommodation is a form of residential childcare that restricts the freedom of children under the age of 18. It is for the small number of children who may be at significant risk to themselves, or others in the community, and whose needs and risks can only be managed in secure care’s controlled settings. It aims to be a nurturing environment that is able to address specific needs and behaviours whilst providing care, including health and education. There are various legal routes to secure care, but the majority of children are placed there via the children’s hearing system or the court.
Accredited Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
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