
Senators appointed to College of Justice

Five judges to sit in Scotland’s highest criminal and civil courts.

Her Majesty the Queen has appointed five new Senators to the College of Justice on the recommendation of the First Minister.

Sheriff John Beckett QC, Ailsa Carmichael QC, Alistair Clark QC, the Rt Hon Frank Mulholland QC and Andrew Stewart QC will sit as judges in the Court of Session and the High Court of Justiciary.

The judges will deal with Scotland’s most important criminal and civil cases.

Their appointments take effect on dates to be agreed by the Lord President. Four of the appointments are to fill existing vacancies. The fifth appointment, to be taken up by Frank Mulholland QC, will take effect following the retirement of a senator later in the year.

Notes to editors

More information about the role of Senators can be found here.

The salary of a Judge of the Court of Session is £179,768 per annum.

Biographical information about the new appointees is available on request.


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