Statement on Catalonia

Cabinet Secretary for External Affairs comments on the continued dispute between the governments of Spain and Catalonia on proposals for a referendum.

Commenting on the continued dispute between the governments of Spain and Catalonia on proposals for a referendum on Catalonia’s constitutional position, Cabinet Secretary for External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said: 

“The decision over Catalonia’s future direction is a matter for the people who live there, and the Catalan and Spanish Governments are perfectly entitled to take positions for and against independence.

“However, all peoples have the right to self-determination and to choose the form of government best suited to their needs, a principle which is enshrined in the UN Charter.

"The Edinburgh Agreement was an example of how two governments, with diametrically opposed views on whether or not Scotland should become independent, were able to come together to agree a process to allow the people to decide. It is essential that democracy and civil rights are respected in all countries.”



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