
Support for Indonesia

Humanitarian Emergency Fund activated.

Funding to support those affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia has been announced by International Development Minister Ben Macpherson.

Following the appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), it has been confirmed that £240,000 is being made available from the Scottish Government Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF).

The money will be channelled through aid agencies on the ground to provide much needed food, clean drinking water, sanitation, shelter and healthcare, as well as helping survivors to cope with the trauma of the last few days.

Announcing the funding, Mr Macpherson said:

"The earthquake and resulting tsunami in Indonesia has caused terrible suffering, with more than 1,500 people having tragically lost their lives and countless more displaced and in need of urgent assistance.

"We want Scotland to be a good global citizen and our Humanitarian Emergency Fund aims to provide emergency life-saving aid to those most in need.

"Our HEF panel member agencies are ready to provide in-country support to those caught up in this tragedy, many of whom are children. This financial support will help to provide much needed assistance."


The Humanitarian Emergency Fund provides immediate aid in the aftermath of a crisis.

Following the launch of a DEC appeal, 80% of funding made available (£192,000 in this instance) is automatically released to the DEC appeal. The other 20% is available to non-DEC member charities (SCIAF, Mercy Corps and Mission Aviation Fellowship).


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