
Support for low carbon rural energy innovations

£10 million fund open for applications.

A multi-million pound fund is being made available to assist innovative local energy projects in rural parts of Scotland.

Projects that have the potential to increase energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and boost local economies will be able to apply for up to £100,000 from the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP). This will support the costs of developing investment-ready business cases.

This funding round targets rural and remote areas in order to help bridge gaps in capacity, skills and resources, underlining the Scottish Government’s support for smart, local energy systems as detailed in the draft Energy Strategy.

Minster for Business, Innovation and Energy Paul Wheelhouse said:

“Our recently published draft Energy Strategy sets out our vision for 2050 for Scotland to have a modern, integrated energy system that delivers reliable, low carbon energy at affordable prices to consumers in all parts of Scotland.

“The low carbon and renewable energy sector has been a major driver of Scotland’s economy in recent years, supporting 43,500 jobs. Many of these are in rural areas, where we have developed expertise in solar, wave, offshore wind and tidal, as well as more established technologies such as hydro and onshore wind.

“We can be proud of our innovative culture and this fund will help continue to build the right environment to develop more new ideas, supporting rural communities across Scotland with investment and the creation of further high-value jobs.”


The Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) is a working partnership between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Futures Trust and sector specialists. This partnership is supported by the new 2014 – 2020 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme and has a total of £76 million to invest in low carbon infrastructure projects of which £33 million is provided through ERDF. Scottish Government has committed European funds to projects up until the end of 2018.

Draft Scottish Energy Strategy: The Future of Energy in Scotland A consultation on a draft Scottish Energy Strategy, which sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for the future energy system in Scotland to 2050, is open for responses until 30 May 2017.


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